

 Shinjuju Kabukicho Project

 April 2004

 Shinjuku Kabukicho Park,Tokyo

 ドキュメンタリービデオ : 16分
 Documentary video : 16 Minutes

 新宿歌舞伎町は東京の性風俗産業のメッカである。その中でもとりわけ性風俗店ひしめく環境に位置する小さな公園、新宿区立歌舞伎町公園に作品を二日間設置した。その作品は風俗店の典型的な電飾看板を模したもので、「恥ずかしい姿 見放題!」「安心!、無料!」といったいかにもあるようなキャッチ−なコピーとともに光り輝き、人々の注意を引くのである。「何か」を期待しつつ恐る恐る看板にある穴をのぞいてみると、そこにはまさに、「穴をのぞく」自分の「恥ずかしい姿」が見えるのである。

Shinjuku Kabukicho is a mecca of sex industry in Tokyo. I situated the work for two days at a small park, the Shinjuku Kabukicho Park, which is the middle of porn shops and those serving sex business. It is a work mocking a typical electric sign box of those shops, having some likely catchy flashy phrases like "No limit for watching embarrassing poses!", "Be easy!, It's free!" to draw attention of passers by. When they look through a peeping-hole of the sign box timidly expecting "something", eventually they find very "embarrassing peeping moment" of themselves.



 March 2010


I thought if I install the video of fire in the cold gallery, people will naturally approach toward it to be warm. Even though it isn't real "fire", their imagination will make them warmer.

Parky Party

 March 2010


Art exhibitions are inseparable from opening parties that actually exist as social places for people in the art field. Many visitors often come to these openings just to drink and mingle without seriously looking at the work. Parky Party is an anti-socialization bar that contrasts with such ironic customs around the art world. The main concept in this project is to prevent visitors from communicating with each other.


MOVING from Kanagawa to Hiroshima

 October 2008

 ドキュメンタリービデオ : 29分
 Documentary video : 29 Minutes



When you transport a parcel by post or shipping company, you could never know how the actual process would be. But at this time I succeeded in recording the whole journey of a parcel by a hidden video camera inside. Now I reveal the real documentary which nobody has ever seen.

When I was making this special parcel at sculpture workshop in Berlin, one artist said to me, "Are you making a bomb?". His question let me understand that this project also have a risk to give rise to a big issue according to a complete misunderstanding under the global situation provokes terrorisms constantly.

 Artist Refugee

 August 2009

 SEIBU Railway Co.,LTD., Tokorozawa

 ドキュメンタリービデオ : 13分
 Documentary video : 13 Minutes


 I have been based in Berlin and worked as an artist all over the world. After the world economical crisis last year my gallery in Korea was closed and the exhibition in this summer was also canceled unexpectedly. My artist life has been getting harder. So I decided to work for a part time job during my stay in Japan. As "Internet Coffee Refugee"* became major social problem in recent Japan, I will also become like an "Artist Refugee" who is not able to have the flat for stay financially except for the parent's house. I sleep in the exhibition venue during it's open hour of 10:00-18:00 and then go for the night shift job after the venue was closed. I am already 37 years old. It's not easy for the person who is above 35 years old to look for the part time job in the Japanese society. This special project also documents the whole process of the job hunting and shows the hard reality of an artist.

*:Internet Coffee Refugee - People who can not rent the flat financially and live in the internet coffee even though they work hard.

